
NASA 每日搬运 D53
(一个富含钙的星系 科科)
nasaThe spiral galaxy seen here by our Hubble Space Telescope (@NASAHubble) is located about 130 million light-years away and is classified as an Sc spiral galaxy. But its spiral arms - the dominating feature of spiral galaxies - are almost impossible to see, because it presents itself at an almost perfectly edge-on angle.
我们的哈勃太空望远镜(@NASAHubble)在这里看到的螺旋星系距离我们约1.3亿光年远,并被归类为Sc旋涡星系。但是它的旋臂 - 螺旋星系的主要特征 - 几乎不可能看到,因为它以几乎完美的边缘角度呈现。

Discovered by William Herschel in 1787, this galaxy was host to a fascinating and rare event in 2003. A faint supernova appeared about 8,000 light-years below the central bulge. Supernovae are the huge, violent explosions of dying stars, and the one that exploded in this galaxy - not visible in this much later image - was classified as a Type Ib/c supernova. It was particularly interesting because its spectrum showed strong signatures of calcium.
Calcium-rich supernovae are rare and hence of great interest to astronomers. Astronomers still struggle to explain these particular explosions as their existence presents a challenge to both observation and theory. In particular, their appearance outside of galaxies, their lower ompared to other supernovae, and their rapid evolution are still open questions for researchers.
这颗星系于1787年由威廉赫歇尔发现,于2003年出现了一场引人入胜的罕见事件。一颗微弱的超新星出现在中央隆起下约8000光年。超新星是垂死的恒星发生巨大而剧烈的爆炸,而在这个星系中发生爆炸的爆炸 - 在这张晚期图像中不可见 - 被归类为Ib / c型超新星。这是特别有趣的,因为它的光谱显示出钙的强烈特征。

Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA

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